
take two

I've had a slip-up this morning. Going to try and start fresh again.

However.. last night I was feeling anxious and out of sorts, so I went to the gym instead of wallowing in the self-destructive thoughts. Working out helped my mood a whole lot.

I don't have a lot to say.. don't want to dwell on the incident that was this morning's binge. I'm going to dust myself off and try and relax before my little one wakes up.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you Heather. F you're amazing. (and inspiring)

Jessica said...

Working out has such a positive affect for me as well. Even though I hated the first two months, after I established a set time each day to get it done I'm actually in a mad/angry mood if I don't exercise. And, I still kinda hate doing it but the benefit is so worth it. It's like chores, never fun but necessary, haha.