
vitamins and thoughts

One thing I need to remember to do on this whole path to improving my health is to take my vitamins every day! I used to be so good with it, but I seem to totally forget for the last couple of weeks, maybe more. The B-Complex I take gives me loads of energy when I'm consistent. Then there's my women's one a day which is my multivitamin. Maybe I should get a pill reminder.. but I'd need a kind of large one. I'll get to work on that.

I don't want to pressure myself into writing every day, but I would like to write daily. Mostly because I know I have something to say, I have a hundred thoughts on this horizon every day and I think getting them out is healthy and making it a routine is going to give me a lot to reflect upon.

I've found myself restricting my calories to under 600 the last couple of days. Totally intentional. I tend to want all or nothing. Binge and purge or eat as little as I can to get through my busy days. I need balance. I need plans.


The Stifled Artist said...

Like the pendulum. Flip flop. You'll find your balance. You will.

I need to take my vitamin too!